There's more to living well than medications
More Than ...
Being healthy and living well with Parkinson’s disease may sound incongruous, but living a rich life with varied hobbies, interests and social connections are elements associated with positive quality of life. For individuals with Parkinson’s as well as immediate family, taking care and attending to the non-medical aspects of wellness are important as you adapt to life with Parkinson’s disease.
As a community of support, it is clear that PRO benefits from the rich and varied interests of those we serve. Some of the volunteers who are helping create options include Jacque and Roger who started a social club to share their love of fishing with others, Margie and George who spearheaded a PD table tennis group, and David who joined with others to form a weekly hiking group.
Wellness activities don’t have to center around Parkinson’s. In fact, they may provide the necessary release to set aside the diagnosis even if only for a time. Ideas to get you thinking what YOU can do to promote healthy living:
- Mindfulness practice and meditation
- Perfect a new recipe
- Volunteer at your local school
- Enroll in a pottery class at your community center
- Join a community choir
Find a Wellness Class
No One Has to Face Parkinson's Alone
A good place to start to find a new activity or to pursue a forgotten interest is at your local community center or community college. You will find instructors very willing to work with you if accommodation or modifications are necessary.
PRO is also a source of engagement as well, sharing opportunities that come up and encouragement for you to extend your reach and expand your horizons.
What They Say
I am a wife, mother, artist, educator, pacifist, activist. I also have Parkinson's disease.
Mary S
All my adult life my identity has been built around my ability to work and provide for my family. At first, I thought Parkinson's robbed my of my sense of self, and I grieved that loss. Today, I'm exploring the freedom to redefine ME. I am a helper, volunteer, and bake incredible cookies.
John B
Express Your Passion
Each of us has something special and unique to share. Occasionally, passions and talent take back seat to the more pressing demands of living with Parkinson’s. Yet, given the right opportunity will flourish again. If you’d like to explore a new interest or share a skill with others, please connect with us. There may be a whole new community waiting to hear from you!
Express Your Passion
Each of us has something special and unique to share. Occasionally, passions and talent take back seat to the more pressing demands of living with Parkinson’s. Yet, given the right opportunity will flourish again. If you’d like to explore a new interest or share a skill with others, please connect with us. There may be a whole new community waiting to hear from you!