Walk Using Trekking Poles: Bend

Trekking HIke

Join Nancy Nelson, as she leads this in-person, trekking walk! This is a great place to meet new people and socialize, while working with a personal trainer who specializes in working with Parkinson’s clients and can answer questions about balance, exercise, and staying active with PD.

Please bring your own water and trekking poles. You can rent poles for $5 a day at Powder House. We will have a couple extra poles on hand if for some reason you are not able to rent them.

*Meeting Location: Riverbend Park- Park in the Bend Park and Recreation parking lot, we will be meeting next to the recreation building/restrooms.


Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease: Bend

When we get asked about nutrition and Parkinson’s, the answer is the same, “there is no specific diet for Parkinson’s disease” but there are ways to eat that are not only helpful for brain health but also combat other non-motor symptoms. With so many unknowns within Parkinson’s disease, ensuring that you are eating nutritious foods can feel empowering. Join us in Central Oregon to learn more about the research about nutrition, review fad diets (what’s good, what’s not so good), and discuss the small changes you can make that will ultimately lead to a healthier way of eating!

Presented by Melissa Greer, MPH and B.S. in Nutrition and Food Management from Oregon State University.

Donations welcome


Walk Using Trekking Poles: Bend

Trekking HIke

Join Nancy Nelson, as she leads this in-person, trekking walk! This is a great place to meet new people and socialize, while working with a personal trainer who specializes in working with Parkinson’s clients and can answer questions about balance, exercise, and staying active with PD.

Please bring your own water and trekking poles. You can rent poles for $5 a day at Powder House. We will have a couple extra poles on hand if for some reason you are not able to rent them.

*Meeting Location: Riverbend Park- Park in the Bend Park and Recreation parking lot, we will be meeting next to the recreation building/restrooms.


Basics and Beyond: Prineville

Basics and Beyond

Whether you were recently diagnosed, going through transitions as your symptoms change, or are a family member of someone with Parkinson’s disease, this lecture will help you piece together an understanding of this complex neurological condition.

90,000 people in the US live with this disease and every 6 minutes someone receives this diagnosis. Worldwide disability and death due to Parkinson’s is rising faster than any other neurological disorder. This new data determined that the prevalence is nearly twice what was previously reported.

Presented by Jessica Joseph, Program Coordinator


Dance for Parkinson’s, Bend

A specialized class that empowers people with Parkinson’s disease to explore movement and music in ways that are stimulating and creative. Dance develops flexibility and instills confidence and connects mind to body. All levels of ability are welcome.

The first half of the class is seated, then chairs are used for standing balance combinations. Progression towards locomotion moves across the floor are encouraged but not necessary

Instructor: Kimberly Walter

Fee Based

Dance for Parkinson’s, Bend

A specialized class that empowers people with Parkinson’s disease to explore movement and music in ways that are stimulating and creative. Dance develops flexibility and instills confidence and connects mind to body. All levels of ability are welcome.

The first half of the class is seated, then chairs are used for standing balance combinations. Progression towards locomotion moves across the floor are encouraged but not necessary. Volunteers provided, as well as live music.

Instructor: Kimberly Walter

Fee Based

Warm Water Wellbeing, Bend

Warm Water Wellbeing is a therapeutic exercise class specifically designed to work with those who have chronic health conditions like Parkinson’s, diabetes, spinal dysfunction, heart disease and COPD. Water shoes required.

Instructor: Carolyn Creedican

Fee based

PWR! Moves Group Exercise, Bend

A Parkinson-specific exercise class that incorporates functional exercise to keep you moving and doing more of what you want to do! As you practice, you will be PWR! Moves challenged physically and cognitively while working on fitness goals: strength, balance, agility, aerobics, and flexibility.

Exercises are designed to improve your fitness, counteract your PD symptoms, and increase you daily activity. This whole body, function-focused exercise will push you to do more than you think you can!

Instructed by Nancy Nelson

Fee Based